"Exploring Life & Business with Sara Alexandre of Swift, Currie, McGhee & Hiers"


Swift Currie attorney Sara Alexandre was profiled in an April 20, 2022, article from VoyageATL. In this article, Alexandre discusses turning points in her life as a second-generation American born in New York, involving her family life, schooling, important figures and her lifelong love of learning that eventually led her to a career in law.

Alexandre speaks of her parents’ commitment to academics, with both her father and mother holding careers in education and prioritizing learning for their five children. “. . . they made it a priority to provide extracurricular instruction to the five of us,” Alexandre recalls. “My father studied the Bible with us and taught us classics, including Latin, sciences, and mathematics – I already knew algebra at five years old. My mother also provided us with Bible lessons and focused on honing our reading and writing.”

After years of academic excellence in her youth, Alexandre went on to receive her undergraduate degree from Yale University. However, having many interests, she struggled to decide which profession she wanted to enter. Alexandre ultimately chose to practice law, specifically litigation, while at New York Law School. "I have been so happy about my ultimate choice to become a civil litigator and truly believe it is a blessing to practice the law. I am passionate about it; it is practical, interesting, fun, and deeply rewarding," Alexandre says.

When asked about local entrepreneurs, professionals or creatives that she knows and admires, Alexandre cites Swift Currie partners Brad Marsh, Fred Ferrand and Martine Cumbermack as figures that have inspired her. She also emphasizes the importance of mentors: “Mentors are key sources of wisdom because of their vast experience with the work, people, and structure of a particular industry,” Alexandre provides. “They have helped to me to identify out-of-the-box solutions or broaden my awareness of a variety of perspectives, which I may have missed either due to my unfamiliarity with a set of circumstances or penchant to be narrowly focused. In conjunction with our work together, Brad Marsh has proven to be an invaluable mentor to me who holds regular talks with me about our cases, inquiring about highlights as well as any predicaments I may be encountering. These discussions dramatically reduce stress and create and reinforce positive frameworks to approach and conquer similar issues in the future.”

Swift Currie associates David Lee, Erin McGonigle and Maya Marshall were also featured in photographs with Alexandre as a part of the article.

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