Swift Currie Attorneys Presenting Snellings Walters Auto Liability Webinar


On Nov. 17, 2021, attorneys Ashley Webber and Stacy Breaud will present the webinar, "Georgia Auto Liability Updates: Verdicts, Law and the Impact on Your Claims," hosted by Snellings Walters Insurance Agency (SWIA) and moderated by SWIA's Michael Parsa. The webinar will be held from 12-1 p.m. EST.

Webber and Breaud will explain the impact of new auto laws on small businesses in Georgia, including:

  • What has changed in the world of auto insurance?
  • How will you be impacted?
  • What are you auto liabilities as a small business?
  • What needs to be communicated within your company?

Business owners, CEOs, CFOs, controllers and operations professionals are encouraged to attend this event.


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