"Long-Distance Lawyers Win 100-Mile Run Around Atlanta"

Daily Report

In an article published on Dec. 11, 2020, the Daily Report highlighted Swift Currie managing partner Terry Brantley and his distance-running partners — Home Depot assistant general counsel Mike Dalton and Assurant lead litigation counsel Chris Fox — who were the top finishers in a 100-mile race around Atlanta. Both Dalton and Fox are Swift Currie alum.

Brantley, Dalton and Fox were three of only 10 contestants who completed the Great Southern Endurance Run, which is an "urban adventure" around the city beginning at the top of Kennesaw Mountain and ending downtown at Centennial Olympic Park. The trio clocked a winning time of 28 hours and 28 minutes.

"You don’t sleep. Trying to keep moving is the goal," said Brantley.

To read the full article, please click here.

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