“Trust, Client Access and ‘a Voice’ All Keys to Success with Law Firm Marketers,” Mid-Market Report

Mid-Market Report

In an article published on April 11, 2019, managing partner Terry O. Brantley provided insight to Mid-Market Report on best practices for recruiting and retaining business development talent in a law firm.

Following the firm's business development director's departure from the firm after 12 years before her return in 2016, the firm learned that such professionals are “highly sought after if they’re good at what they do.” 

“It was very difficult to find business development directors, and it was very difficult to keep them,” he said. “That’s such a challenge for a law firm.”

Both the business development and marketing directors are involved in the firm’s strategy and planning.

“They are chairing committees where equity partners are merely members of the committee,” along with attending management retreats, generating ideas and pushing the boundaries.

“We’ve tried very hard to be progressive in this way. You’ve got to trust them and allow them to move you out of your comfort zone,” noting that any sort of stifling is a “good recipe for them to leave.”

“If you want people to excel, they have to have a voice,” Brantley said. “They have to be involved in the plan.”

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